An article on Animal Pathways was published in Folia Primatologica.

The journal in Folia Primatologica has published the development of Animal-pathway, which has been researched and developed by the Animal-pathway Research Group. The details of the Dormouse Bridge and the Dormouse Tunnel, the starting point of the Animal-pathway development, are also introduced. We are grateful for the efforts of Chairman Minato and Dr. Pat Morris of the United Kingdom.
We would also like to thank our many members and supporters.

Title: Mitigating the effects of road construction on arboreal Japanese mammals: benefits for both wildlife and people

Abstract: “Fragmentation of forest habitat has negative effects on arboreal mammals, compromising their natural dispersal and foraging movements. This paper describes an evolving series of mitigation measures aimed at creating cost-effective continuity pathways for arboreal mammals in Japan. The projects have focused on the endemic Japanese dormouse (Glirulus japonicus) a scarce, but popular and iconic species which provides an effective vehicle for environmental education and public engagement.”

The papers can be downloaded from the following links
▶ Folia Primatologica-Mitigating the effects of road construction on arboreal Japanese mammals: benefits for both wildlife and people

▶ Research Information by DWI(Dormouse & Wildlife Institute)

*Folia Primatologica is an international peer-reviewed journal focusing on primatology, the study of monkeys, apes, lemurs, and other primates.

EcoPro 2019

  • Admission Free : ▶Registration
  • Date&Time : December 5th(Thu) – 7th(Sat), 2019 10:00am – 5:00pm
  • Venue: Tokyo Big Sight (Tokyo International Exhibition Center) ,
    3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan 135-0063

Lecture and Mini-Symposium

“Characteristics and Conservation of Mammals in the United Kingdom” & “Present State and Counterplan for Decline of Dormouse in Japan and UK”

Date:    Friday,July 19, 2019
Time:   14:00-16:30
Place 1-7-12, 10F SapiaTower, Marunouchi, Campus, Kwansei Gakuin University (1m from Tokyo Station)
Registration Fee Free (The number of participants is limited to 30 persons.)
Host organization:Japanese Dourmouse Conservation Research Group and Animal-pathway & Wildlife Association (ApWA)

Time Program
13:30-14:00 Registration (10F Sapia Tower, Marunouchi Campus, Kwansei Gakuin University)
14:00-15:00 Lecture :
“Characteristics and Conservation of Mammals in the United Kingdom”
Dr. Pat Morris: President of the British Hedgehog Preservation. A former Senior Lecturer in Zoology at Royal Holloway, University of London. A former Council member of the National Trust and Chairman of its Nature Conservation Advisory Panel. A former Vice President of the London Wildlife Trust.
15:00-16:30 Mini-Symposium :
“Present State and Counterplan for Decline of Dormouse in Japan and UK”
Dr. Pat Morris and Dr. Shusaku Minato:Director of Keep Yamane Museum, Professor of Kwansei Gakuin university, Head of SDGs and Biodiversity Research Center of Kwansei Gakuin university,
Chairman of Japanese Yamane Conservation Research Group and Animal Pathway & Wildlife Association.

To register Lecture and Mini-Symposium, please send an email to with your (1)name, (2)gener, (3)age and (4)phone number

Leaflet (Japanese)

Exhibition of Animal-pathway

The bridge to connect forests and wild animal life – Animal-pathway

Display a real model of Animal-pathway, recorded video, manga and more.

Exhibition period: June 2 (Sunday) to June 30 (Sunday)

Place: Minato Ward Eco Plaza

Yubinbango105-0013 Minato-ku, Hamamatsu-cho 1-13-1 
TEL 03-5404-7764 FAX 03-5404-7765 
Inquiry here >>
Opening Hours 9:30 to 20:00 
Closed on the fourth Monday of each month 
     ※ fourth Monday is the next day that in the case of a public holiday 
     year-end and New Year holidays (12 / 29-1 / 3) 


EcoPro 2018

We will have a booth at 『EcoPro 2018』 – International Exhibition on Environment and Energy-
at Tokyo Big Site on 6th(Thu) – 8th(Sat), December, 2018.

EcoPro 2018 – International Exhibition on Environment and Energy

About EcoPro 2018 – Environment and Society of the SDGs Era, and to the Future-

  • Date: December 6th(Thu) – 8th(Sat), 2018
  • Venue:Tokyo Big Sight (Tokyo International Exhibition Center)
  • Organized by :Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry (JEMAI)
    Nikkei Inc.
  • Admission: Free (Registration required)
  • Expected Number of Exhibitors: 700 (705 in 2016)
  • Prospective Visitors
    • Business executives, Managers, SDGs related depts., Business purchasing depts., Environmental management depts., Product development depts.,Corporate strategy depts., Social activity depts., etc.
    • Municipal / Government regional development depts., Purchase depts., Environmental depts., SDGs related depts., etc.
    • Industrial organizations, Local business / Commercial organizations, etc.
    • Consumers
    • NPO / NGO environmental groups, Citizen groups, Persons with interest in the environment and SDGs
  • Major Exhibitor Product Categories
    • Eco-products:Home Appliance, Office Supplies, Cars, Materials, Containers, Food, Health etc.
    • Eco-solutions : Finance, Emission Trading, Sharing Services, Reusable Services, Recycling, Consulting etc.
    • Environmental and Energy technology : Energy-Saving Technology, Natural & Renewable Energy, Hydrogen Technology, Smart Grid etc.
    • Environmental, CSR initiatives, SDGs : CSR, CSV, Design & Branding, Biodiversity, Environmental Education, SDGs, etc.