The second symposium on the development of wildlife bridges

We, Animal-pathway and Wildlife Association (ApWA), are pleased to announce the symposium, “Development of wildlife bridges“ – Forest and Wildlife bridges to connect with corridor–, on November 22th 2016, in Tokyo. Thank you for your interest.

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Chigako Wakabayashi, Representative, Office of Wakabayashi Environmental Education Koichi Otake, Representative Director of Animal-pathway & Wildlife Association Toyohisa Asada, President of KEEP
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Hiroshi Ishihara, Chairman of the planning committee of “Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation” Ian White, the Dormouse and Training Officer for People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) Arboreal bridges in Britain: how the dormouse cross the road
 rodney  rdo  %e4%bd%90%e8%97%a4%e5%85%88%e7%94%9f
Rodney van der Ree,Associate Professor at The University of Melbourne, Director of Ecology and Infrastructure International
at an International Research and Consulting Company
Reconnecting the tree-tops of the world for arboreal animals Jun Sato, Associate professor, Department of Biological Engineering of School of Life Science and Biotechnology,
Fukuyama University. Doctor of Philosophy in Earth and Environmental Science.
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Hitoho Yatake, Auditor of the Environment Division at CERES Inc. Misako Noro, Senior Researcher, Research Division of Hokkaido Development Engineering Center
The member of Road Ecology Study Group.
Yoichi Sonoda, Representative director of Road Ecology Research Society of Japan, Biodiversity consulting Division,
Tokyo branch, Regional Environmental Planning, Inc.
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Shusaku Minato, Chairman of Animal-Pathway Research Society, Animal-pathway & Wildlife Association and
Japanese Dormice Preservation & Research group. Professor at KWANSEI GAKUIN University,
Director of KEEP Dormouse Museum.
Panel Discussion Yushin Asari, PhD, Chodai CO., LTD, Road Ecology Study Group