“Do You Think You Know?” Video Series

Do you know about Animal-pathways and the creatures that use them?

The “Do You Think You Know?” video series showcases Animal-pathways with construction and monitoring records, as well as videos of Japanese dormouse and other arboreal animals. Our board member presents key points in an easy-to-understand format. The series is available on our YouTube for information and awareness about Animal-pathways.

We aims to continue to disseminate information about Animal-pathways and to increase awareness among more people. Please take a look at our series.

▶ YouTube Animal-pathways “Do You Think You Know?”

Animal-pathway Development Story

“Animal-pathway Development Story” born from crowdfunding

Last year, we conducted a crowdfunding campaign for animal pathways. The purpose of this project is to produce an animated video that promotes the construction of pedestrian bridges to protect animals from roadkill and other obstacles.

Thanks to your generous support, we were able to exceed our funding goal and the production of the animation has now begun in earnest. Animal pathways play a vital role in realizing a society where humans and nature coexist. They help mitigate the impact of road and rail transport that divide animal habitats, and are expected to contribute to the protection of ecosystems.

Furthermore, the development of animal pathways enables the realization of a safe coexistence between humans and animals. This reduces the risk of traffic accidents and encounters with wild animals, ultimately contributing to the safety of the local community.

We previously featured the “Animal Pathway Development Story” as a crowdfunding project on READYFOR. This time, we have edited and reintroduced the article to showcase the efforts and innovations made in the development of animal pathways. We hope you enjoy reading about our initiatives.


We will continue to focus on projects and initiatives related to Animal-pathways, roadkill, and biodiversity and share information on them in the future. We will also continue to provide updates on the progress of the anime project.

An article on Animal Pathways was published in Folia Primatologica.

The journal in Folia Primatologica has published the development of Animal-pathway, which has been researched and developed by the Animal-pathway Research Group. The details of the Dormouse Bridge and the Dormouse Tunnel, the starting point of the Animal-pathway development, are also introduced. We are grateful for the efforts of Chairman Minato and Dr. Pat Morris of the United Kingdom.
We would also like to thank our many members and supporters.

Title: Mitigating the effects of road construction on arboreal Japanese mammals: benefits for both wildlife and people

Abstract: “Fragmentation of forest habitat has negative effects on arboreal mammals, compromising their natural dispersal and foraging movements. This paper describes an evolving series of mitigation measures aimed at creating cost-effective continuity pathways for arboreal mammals in Japan. The projects have focused on the endemic Japanese dormouse (Glirulus japonicus) a scarce, but popular and iconic species which provides an effective vehicle for environmental education and public engagement.”

The papers can be downloaded from the following links
▶ Folia Primatologica-Mitigating the effects of road construction on arboreal Japanese mammals: benefits for both wildlife and people

▶ Research Information by DWI(Dormouse & Wildlife Institute)

*Folia Primatologica is an international peer-reviewed journal focusing on primatology, the study of monkeys, apes, lemurs, and other primates.

EcoPro 2019

  • Admission Free : ▶Registration
  • Date&Time : December 5th(Thu) – 7th(Sat), 2019 10:00am – 5:00pm
  • Venue: Tokyo Big Sight (Tokyo International Exhibition Center) ,
    3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan 135-0063     http://www.bigsight.jp/english/